Community Speed Watch in Heath and Reach
The community Speed Watch scheme has been successfully operating for three years under the Heath and Reach Parish Council. As the vibrant and hopeful season of Spring approaches, it is time to revive this essential activity that ensures the safety and well-being of our community. Let us come together once again, as dedicated and responsible parishioners, to actively participate in this significant initiative.

Come and Join Us Today
We are currently seeking 4 Volunteers, aged 18 and above, to join us at Heath and Reach Parish Council Speed Watch
Our Volunteers, who represent their respective Communities, will not receive compensation or be reimbursed for travel expenses. It is important to note that Volunteers are not considered employees of the Police.
Our Community Speed Watch programme will only operate in 20, 30, and 40mph areas during daylight hours.
As part of our commitment to our Volunteers, we provide high visibility tabards for their use and to ensure visibility.
To guarantee operational consistency and roadside safety, all Volunteers must undergo formal training. Training can be completed either with the Police or a Police-approved trainer who is annually authorised by the Force Speed Watch Lead. We do not require Volunteers to undergo any form of Police checks or exclude individuals who have prior convictions or penalties related to motoring offenses.
However, please be aware that the Police reserve the right to reject or remove potential Volunteers from Speed Watch without providing an explanation. During training, Volunteers will be asked to disclose any circumstances that could potentially harm the reputation of the scheme. They will also receive guidance to ensure their actions as members of Speed Watch are always appropriate.
Join us at Heath and Reach Parish Council Speed Watch and make a difference in your community.
Our Speedwatch co-ordinator is Cllr. Martin Boyden. Feel free to reach out to him via email at cl***********@he***********.uk, and he will gladly guide you through the process.